The students were taught about ecology, wildlife of Botswana, including cheetahs, human wildlife conflict, and how to reduce ones impact on the environment. A lesson on waste management was particularly fun when the students created brooms using old Coke bottles and picked up litter within their schools. The other highlights of the camps were the bush walks the students went on with a Master Tracker from their own community. These bush walks allowed the students to identify common Kalahari plant species and learn about their traditional uses. They also received lessons in spoor tracking and enjoyed a tour of the beautiful Kalahari night sky with a lesson in astronomy.
The head teachers from both Kacqae and Bere Primary Schools — Mrs. Bosele and Mr. Natshane, thanked CCB for having organized a very beneficial bush camp for their students. We hope that we can develop the students of these villages to become stewards for the wildlife and the environment around them in the beautiful Kalahari landscape.