With support from the European Union, CCB hosted two workshops in Jwaneng on the 10th February and in Ghanzi on the 12th February 2016. As a follow up on these workshops, both Jwaneng and Ghanzi hosted a couple of meetings with stakeholders and the steering committee members of the networks, to develop a work plan that will act as a guideline for their networks’ activities, on the 11th May and 27th April 2016 respectively. Remarkable progress was made as both networks are ready and committed, and we believe the ball will start rolling soon. As always, we will be offering technical support to these structures so that they function well and benefit all. Southern Livestock Farmers Network from Jwaneng hosted another meeting on the 31st May 2016 at their farms to cement their commitment in steering the network forward and following up on some activities outlined on their work plan. The team was very forth coming, active and participative and, we believe they will meet their goals with their network.
CCB attended and hosted a stall at the first ever Women in Farming Expo in the country, over the weekend at Serokolwane Lawns in Gaborone, on the 28th May 2016, organized by Unitech Farming (Pty) Ltd. The day started very early and the chilly morning of that Saturday couldn’t even stop CCB team from attending the show. The aim of the expo was to promote farming in women under the theme ‘Mosadi Thari O Jesa Sechaba’, loosely translated; ‘’A Woman is a Seed to Feed the Nation’. The expo was a one stop for all things agriculture and it provided an opportunity for women to exhibit their farming produce, share knowledge and their challenges in farming, link and seek advice from experts in the field and enjoy themselves, in an inspirational environment. We on the other hand shared a lot of information with our stall visitors, learned from them, distributed resources, interacted with all and we were all smiles. We salute Unitech Farming (Pty) Ltd for taking the initiative and we hope to return next year with some of our women farmers to exhibit their products and network.
CCB joined and graced the annual Khawa Dune Challenge & Cultural festival for the first time in its five-year history. According to the event organisers, the event attracted over 14 000 spectators and riders, who came out to have fun at the festival. The festival was held at Khawa village and spanned for 4 days (5th – 8th May 2016). CCB staff hosted a stall and actively engaged with the community, spending many hours discussing predator issues with stall visitors. We can safely say Batswana are now realizing the value that wildlife, especially predators, holds for Botswana’s economy, and the need to secure wildlife populations for our future generations. CCB would like to thank the Botswana Tourism Organisation, Khawa Tribal Administration, the residents of Khawa and all those visitors who attended the festival and made it a wonderful experience for the CCB staff. We believe that our being there made a very big difference especially to the local farmers.
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