“Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark’’- Richard Cushing. As the year draws close and with a new office space in Maun, CCB team gathered in Maun for the annual planning meeting during the week of 21st – 25th November 2016. The week long session brought together CCB staff members to share their accomplishments in 2016, the challenges and potential solutions. Department meetings also took place to prepare and set goals for the year 2017 as we work towards our strategic shift, a tool to guide us in achieving CCB's mission and goals for the New Year and beyond. With all the brain storming and planning for two days, the team then went on a game drive at Moremi Game Reserve to relax where we also enjoyed a picnic in the park. The gathering ended with a wine and dines at Okavango River Lodge to celebrate our accomplishments in conserving Botswana's cheetahs in 2016 and look forward to 2017!
Farmers are less likely to kill carnivores such as cheetahs if they are not loosing livestock to carnivores. It is challenging to find cost effective and readily available techniques that are working to combat human wildlife conflict but a combination of sustainable farming techniques can positively improve farm productivity and sustain livelihoods. CCB recently received 10 puppies from Botswana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA) at the demo farm. The puppies will undergo training to be livestock guarding dogs (LSGDs) of which they will be distributed to those farmers that are experiencing conflict in their areas with cheetahs and other carnivores. We hope to identify those farmers that are interest and willing to maintain these dogs. LSGDs, if trained and cared for properly, can eliminate livestock losses due to depredation by barking, chasing and even attacking carnivores that approach their flock. Thank you to BSPCA for the donation and we will do our best to ensure that these dogs are ready to do an excellent job in protecting their flock from carnivores. |
December 2024
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