During the day, personnel from Mabutsane Department of Wildlife & National Parks (DWNP) shared insights on the challenges of human wildlife conflict in the area, while Samane veterinary office elaborated on animal health challenges and common diseases in the area, additionally signposting vaccination dates for the area. Jwaneng Department of Animal Protection (DAP) office gave a presentation on livestock management, CCB shared information on the LGD program, while the director of Techno Feeds, Mr. Rihan Swanepoel, shared a detailed presentation on pasture management and fodder production for maximised results during the drought season. Mr. Thebe Molefe, a youth motivator and young farmer from Lentsweletau in the Kweneng District, offered the day’s closing with a talk on sustainable farming practices, highlighting that for as long as farming is done right and with passion, one can never go wrong. Molefe encouraged youth of Samane to never give up and continue researching for innovative ideas to improve their farming skills.
The workshop was well attended by a diverse selection of over 50 participants - including farmers of all ages, those who are very successful and some upcoming young farmers; which provided space for interactive dialogue on a variety of topics and the future of farming. We felt encouraged to continue our work in promoting coexistence between farming communities and carnivores and hopefully this movement will lead to improvements in the quality of life for both cheetahs and farming communities. We would like to thank Techno Feeds for the support they tendered throughout and passion they have for young farmers in the Samane area. To the farmers as well, we encourage them to keep learning and keep improving their farming practices for they present a better future.