community representatives in the village of Bere to consider the need and value of setting up an informal playgroup, similar to the successful one we oversee in nearby Kacgae. Following an internal assessment, Bere stakeholders reported to CCB and LTP that up to 46 children between ages 2 - 5 years are not being captured by the existing early childhood education facilities in the village. Working together with LTP, community members and relevant stakeholders, it was decided that the best approach would be to bolster the capacity of the existing community preschool so that it would have the ability to take on more children. Two existing preschool staff and two additional women from the community were selected for training as LTP “mamas” – ladies who will be responsible for delivering the LTP curriculum. Late in April, the new mamas were transported 500km to Botswana’s capital city to undertake training in the LTP playgroup curriculum, which emphasises respect for self, others and the environment. This training included refresher training for our Kacgae mamas as well as first aid training for all the ladies. The Bere mamas delivered their first LTP session on 8th May. We are excited to help expand the reach of this wonderful initiative!